Men's Ministries

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Men's Ministry at ElmCreek is about 3 things: helping men grow closer to Jesus, growing closer to one another, and meeting our community's physical needs. Using the gifts God has uniquely given us, we strive to spiritually and relationally build one another up with the intent to then turn outward and serve others.

Maple Grove Church Men's Breakfast

monthly men's breakfast

Our monthly Men's Breakfast is a time to come to the table (literally) with other men and talk about life and faith. At each breakfast, we eat and share our knowledge and experience on faith and the Bible. The goal is that we would encourage each other to understand what God is telling us in His Word and how we can live that out through a deeper relationship with Jesus.  

Maple Grove Church Men's Events

Other Men's events

In addition to our Men's Breakfast, we provide events for men to get connected, build friendships outside of Sunday mornings, and point us to a relationship with Jesus Christ. Our events have included golfing, bowling, service projects, and Bible studies and book studies that point men back to the truth and encouragement of God’s Word. 

Upcoming Events